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How to host a secure government website in Albania

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How to host a secure government website in Albania

Albania is under cyber attack! For several months now, groups connected with geopolitical engagements have placed Albania in the center of their target. Although there is really nothing that is 100 percent protected from cyber attacks, some work practices can help to increase the protection of any site, further protecting the sensitive data of Albanian citizens.

Below are some practices that can help increase the security of government websites in Albania:

All behind a Virtual Private Network (VPN ).

At least in two of the last incidents reported in Albania, the problems with the penetration of the servers of the Albanian public institutions occurred through the use of a security hole in Microsoft Exchange to which the security update (patch) was not applied at the right time.  See: Microsoft investigates Iranian attacks against the Albanian government

A key strategy in increasing security involves implementing Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to protect interfaces that should only be opened by employees. At its core, a VPN serves as a secure tunnel for data transmission over the Internet, encrypting data in transit. For government offices, this means that all communications between the interfaces of the office’s digital systems are protected against unauthorized access. This encryption is especially vital given the sensitive nature of government data, which often includes personal information, financial records and national security details. By routing all customer interactions through a VPN, government offices can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber espionage, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and secure.

Dynamic website? Yes, but the database can be isolated

Most of the sites that are built today are based on dynamic solutions, where a complete solution is given to update the news and every component of the site with a few clicks. Such pages need to be based on a scripting engine, or on a robust platform that should host rich communication languages. Think about it, if you have to travel to the mountains, should you go with a Ferrari, or is a simple car enough? Often, especially in the case of small agencies, on websites, 90% of the page is located on a page that will not change until the next replacement of the owner (and the website), but these pages are programmed as if each of their elements can to be changed at any time.

For the sake of security, before building such a page, ask the webmaster if he can create a platform where the editing of information is done in an area protected by a VPN, but the publishing of the page is a compiled HTML page, which there is no need to exchange information with the database. A webserver created only for providing a page in HTML, without the need to connect to a database (where information and other databases are often kept) is much more secure than a webserver that needs to be connected to a database. Try to generate a simple HTML page; if you’re wondering, the page you’re visiting is generated only as HTML and has nothing to do with a database.

Hosting on dedicated or shared servers ?

Shared servers, Shared Hosting are very cheap, but they bring the risk of being in an environment with other sites, and often, even the webmasters of these sites do not know where they got the scripts they are loading on the site. For safety reasons, always ask to host only on dedicated servers or VPS (a cheaper version!)

Security updates

Maintaining the security and efficiency of a server is a key aspect of managing any online service or website. Regular server patching is vital to protect against vulnerabilities, malware and other cyber threats. Whether to patch the server yourself or hire an agency depends on various factors, including expertise, resource availability, and the complexity of your server environment. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

Patching the Server Itself


  • Cost Effective : Doing it yourself can save money that would otherwise go to an agency. For small businesses or startups, this can be an important factor.
  • Direct Control : You have direct control over the patching process, including when and how patches are applied. This can be essential for custom configurations or specific compatibility requirements.
  • Skills Development : Managing your server security can help you or your team develop valuable technical skills.


  • Time : Staying up-to-date with the latest vulnerabilities and patches can be time-consuming, especially for businesses without a dedicated IT department.
  • Risk of Errors : Without the right expertise, there is a higher risk of errors during the patching process, which could lead to outages or security breaches.
  • Resource Allocation : The time and effort spent on patching could be better invested in your core business activities.

Employment of an Agency


  • Expertise : Agencies specialize in server management and security, bringing a level of expertise that can significantly reduce the risk of cyber threats.
  • Time Saving : Leasing server maintenance allows you to focus on your business instead of the technicalities of server management.
  • Comprehensive Services : Many agencies offer a range of services, including monitoring, backup and recovery, providing a comprehensive server maintenance solution.


  • Cost : Hiring an agency is more expensive than doing it yourself, which may not be feasible for all businesses.
  • Less Control : Leasing can result in less direct control over the patching process and server configurations, which can be a concern for businesses with specific needs.

ike for compliance or operational.

  • Dependency : Relying on an external agency for server maintenance can create a dependency, which can cause problems if the level of service does not meet expectations or if the agency’s availability changes.


The decision to patch your server yourself or hire an agency should be based on a careful assessment of your specific business needs, resources and risk tolerance. For businesses with the necessary technical skills and resources, self-patching can be a cost-effective way to maintain server security. However, for organizations without dedicated IT staff or those who prefer to focus on their core operations, hiring an agency can provide peace of mind, expertise and more time to devote to growing the business. After all, it is essential that your server is regularly patched and kept secure, regardless of the method chosen.

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